Public Liability Insurance for Land
At we provide public liability insurance for all types of land, including private roads, undeveloped pasture, woodland and even residents associations.

Whether you are a single person, group, community or business, we can help all types of landowners in Ireland, UK and Northern Ireland.
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Did you know you could be held financially liable for any accidents that happen on your land?
As a landowner you have a duty of care to anyone who visits your property, even if they are there without your permission. You can be sued for compensation if something does happen. Even if you’re not found liable, the legal fees to defend your cases can quickly mount up. And if you are to blame, compensation can run into thousands of pounds, depending on the injury.

The easiest way to protect yourself from these unforeseen costs is with land insurance. Depending on your land, and what is on it, vacant land insurance could be the most cost effective option for you.
How much public liability insurance does a land owner need?
Even if you’re not found liable, the legal fees to defend your cases can quickly mount up. And if you are to blame, compensation can run into thousands of pounds, depending on the injury. The easiest way to protect yourself from these unforeseen costs is with land insurance. Depending on your land, and what is on it, vacant land insurance could be the most cost effective option for you.
How much is public liability insurance for a land owner?
The cost of land owners public liability insurance will depend on a few key factors such as the actual nature of the business you are engaged in, how much work you undertake and your previous business and claims experience.

You can obtain your own quotation quickly from our on-line application or from one of our broker team. Apply on-line for land owners public liability insurance in Ireland or call us direct to discuss your requirements with one of our brokers who will be happy to work with you to achieve the best deal for your public liability insurance requirements.
Land Liability Cover
Common Types of Claims